Movie Review Ghayal Once Again Sunny is Back

Ajay runs an investigative newspaper that seeks truth not business. Which is why four college kids strive to handover a murder footage to him, accidentally recorded by them. However, it's not as easy as it sounds since influential people are involved.

Review Text Courtesy Times of India - Read the full review on TOI

Deol fairly manages to retain the essence of Santoshi's blockbuster, while giving it a contemporary twist. While the good-old dialoguebaazi and hand-to-hand combat scenes are in place, digitalisation in today's world (computer hacking, phone tapping etc) has been highlighted too.

Though not as emotionally engaging as the original, the sequel delivers what it promises on the action front. Skilfully shot, elaborate nail-biting chase sequences across the city leave you glued to your seats, gasping for breath. Heavy-duty fist fights are equally gripping. Soha Ali Khan acts well and so do the teenagers.

However, a few things do bother. The trademark Ghayal background score is slightly altered, making it sound like Mission Impossible. Dialogues like "Paid mercenaries can never match up to the missionaries of truth," etc sound too preachy. Flashback scenes look juvenile and the father daughter scenes, soppy. .

Despite the flaws, Sunny's idealistic film exudes the sincerity and unbreakable spirit of a common man. If you mess with us, "We will find you and we will punch you." Watch it.

Rating - 3.5 / 5 - Its a big come back for the Man with the "Daai Kilo Ke Haath."
Movie Review Ghayal Once Again Sunny is Back Movie Review Ghayal Once Again Sunny is Back Reviewed by download music mp3 songs on 7:38 AM Rating: 5

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